How To Clean Carpet If You Have Pet In the Property?

Furry pets are the dearest family members of the family. Some people like to potty train their pets to maintain their healthy home hygiene. Even though they are trained well, carpets will be messy due to pet hairs, feces and dirt. Here are some tips on how to clean carpet if you have pets. 

Vacuum the floors:

Some pets like cat and dogs leave their hair on the carpet frequently. It looks messier due to heavy hair loss and dirty foot marks. 

  • Vacuum the carpet with the high power suction setting to collect the hair easily.
  • Use a small vacuum cleaner hose for upholstery cleaning.
  • You can easily sweep the timber or tiled floors with the dust pan or broom.
  • Hand held squeeze can remove the pet hair easily from the carpet. 

Odor control:

Pets spread the odor in the house, whether they’re trained well for potty training or not. House odour maintenance is required while pets are part of the family members. 

  • Open the windows whenever it’s possible. Fresh air can refresh the house odor.
  • Use a room freshener, candles or natural odour control deodoriser such as essential oil, fresh flowers, vinegar, lemon or coffee.
  • Air purifier can reduce dust particles and remove bad odour. 
  • Pet discharge spreads the odour and ruins the house environment. Try to remove pet’s poop as early as you notice them. 
  • Sprinkle some baking soda over the carpet and leave it for 30 minutes. Vacuum the carpet deeply to remove dirt and bacteria. It also minimises the dirty smell from the carpet.

Pet grooming:

  • Pet grooming is a necessary part of the care practice. Clean pets leave less foot marks on the carpet.
  • Try to brush your fluffy pets twice in a day to reduce hair on the carpet. 
  • Wash and clean your pets every day to maintain your healthy and safe house environment. It controls house odour to its normal level.
  • Shampoo wash your pets after long walks or rainy days. Complete air dry your pets before they enter the house.

Carpet Steam cleaning during End of Lease:

  • Tenants need to steam clean their rental property carpet as a part of their rental agreement. 
  • Hire an End of lease cleaning Melbourne team for a thorough end of lease cleaning with carpet steam cleaning service. Our professional cleaning team removes dirt, dust, bacteria and grime from the carpet.
  • Sprinkle some baking soda over the spills and leave for 10-15 minutes. Put your old towel or clean rags to remove your carpet spills and marks easily.
  • Leave your carpet cleaning task for the professionals to avoid deduction from the bond money. 

General Tips:

  • Clean the vacuum filter before and after vacuuming to prevent overflowing.
  • Vacuum the carpet at least once or twice in a week. 
  • Use a handy pooping bag to collect and diacard the dirt.
  • Hire a professional carpet cleaning company to deep clean the carpet once a year. 
  • Try to keep your dirty shoes outside to reduce dust on the carpet.
  • Clean the carpet as quickly as possible when spills and accidents happen.
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